Friday 26 August 2011

England breezes into the Semi-Finals

24th August, GANT EHC (men) in Mönchengladbach: France – England 1:8 (0:3)

24.08.2011 - In an extremely one-sided match the title defenders England overwhelmed France 8:1 and qualified for the semi-final. ‘Les Bleus’ put up a good fight for the first few minutes, but then England took command and for most of the time forced their opponents into their own half. They took advantage of their first real chance to open the floodgates.

Ashley Jackson scored from a penalty corner. The English then dominated the game at will - Richard Alexander scored once and then Jackson scored his second goal from a penalty corner to raise the score at half time to 3:0, which did not accurately reflect the one-sidedness of the play. England had two time penalties after the break, which France used to achieve their first goal, - by Fabien Magner.

But the answer wasn’t long in coming as first James Tindall and a little later Richard Alexander with his second goal increased the lead. The French weren’t able to stand the pressure and had to be thankful to their goalkeeper Henri-Julien Lhomme, who was able to parry a few more times. Nevertheless, a goal from Adam Dixon, a third from Jackson and a second from Tindall added another three to the final score 8:1.


0:1 Ashley Jackson (PC, 8)

0:2 Richard Alexander (15)

0:3 Ashley Jackson (PC, 31)


1:3 Fabien Magner (41)

1:4 James Tindall (43)

1:5 Richard Alexander (46)

1:6 Adam Dixon (52)

1:7 Ashley Jackson (PC, 56.)

1:8 James Tindall (58)

Penalty corners:

FRA 1 / ENG 7 (3 Tore)

Green cards:

Francois Scheefer (48) / Ashley Jackson (40), Richard Alexander (41)


Nathan Stagno / Geoff Conn

Original Article:

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